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The Pool contract is a core component of the protocol, responsible for managing collective assets such as ETH and other ERC20 tokens. The contract maintains these assets, facilitating their swaps through either the RAMM or SwapOperator contracts. It also handles the receipt of premiums from cover purchases and disburses payouts for claims.

As a core contract it is designed for interaction by other contracts within the protocol. It integrates various contracts to manage reserve assets securely and efficiently, ensuring the system's liquidity and claim payout obligations are met.

Note: While the Pool contract provides several functions, developers are generally advised to interact with higher-level contracts like the TokenController for token pricing and other functionalities, as these interfaces are more stable and user-friendly.

Key Concepts

Assets Management

The Pool holds various assets, including ETH and multiple ERC20 tokens. Each asset is tracked with specific properties:

struct Asset {
address assetAddress;
bool isCoverAsset;
bool isAbandoned;
assetAddressThe address of the ERC20 token contract or ETH constant.
isCoverAssetIndicates if the asset can be used for claim payouts.
isAbandonedMarks the asset as no longer in use.

Swap Details

Each asset has associated swap parameters to manage asset swapping:

struct SwapDetails {
uint104 minAmount;
uint104 maxAmount;
uint32 lastSwapTime;
uint16 maxSlippageRatio;
minAmountMinimum amount for swapping.
maxAmountMaximum amount for swapping.
lastSwapTimeTimestamp of the last swap operation.
maxSlippageRatioMaximum allowable slippage during a swap to prevent unfavorable trades.


The Pool interacts with the SwapOperator contract to handle asset swaps, maintaining the desired asset allocations.

Payouts and Claims

The Pool is responsible for disbursing claim payouts to policyholders. It ensures that the correct amount and asset type are sent to the claimant and may return deposit amounts to users as part of the payout process.

Token Price Calculation

The Pool provides functions to calculate the internal price of the protocol's native token (NXM) in various assets.

Mutative Functions

Note: Most mutative functions in the Pool contract are restricted to internal use, governance, or specific roles like the SwapOperator. Developers integrating with the protocol should interact with higher-level contracts or via the designated interfaces.


Adds a new asset to the Pool with specified swap parameters (governance only).

function addAsset(
address assetAddress,
bool isCoverAsset,
uint _min,
uint _max,
uint _maxSlippageRatio
) external onlyGovernance;
assetAddressThe address of the new asset's ERC20 contract.
isCoverAssetWhether the asset can be used for claim payouts.
minThe minimum amount for swapping.
maxThe maximum amount for swapping.
maxSlippageRatioThe maximum allowable slippage ratio during swaps (in basis points, where 10000 = 100%).


Updates the properties of an existing asset (governance only).

function setAssetDetails(
uint assetId,
bool isCoverAsset,
bool isAbandoned
) external onlyGovernance;
assetIdThe index of the asset in the Pool's asset array.
isCoverAssetUpdated status of whether the asset can be used for payouts.
isAbandonedMarks the asset as abandoned or active.


Updates the swap parameters for a specific asset (governance only).

function setSwapDetails(
address assetAddress,
uint _min,
uint _max,
uint _maxSlippageRatio
) external onlyGovernance;
assetAddressThe address of the asset's ERC20 contract.
minNew minimum swap amount.
maxNew maximum swap amount.
maxSlippageRatioNew maximum slippage ratio (in basis points, where 10000 = 100%).


Transfers a specified amount of an asset from the Pool to a destination address (governance only).

function transferAsset(
address assetAddress,
address payable destination,
uint amount
) external onlyGovernance nonReentrant;
assetAddressThe address of the asset's ERC20 contract.
destinationThe recipient address.
amountThe amount to transfer.


Transfers a specified amount of an asset from the Pool to the SwapOperator (SwapOperator only).

function transferAssetToSwapOperator(
address assetAddress,
uint amount
) public override onlySwapOperator nonReentrant whenNotPaused;
assetAddressThe address of the asset's ERC20 contract, or ETH constant for Ether.
amountThe amount of the asset to transfer to the SwapOperator.

Description: Called by the SwapOperator to receive assets from the Pool for swapping purposes.


Updates the lastSwapTime for a specific asset's swap details (SwapOperator only).

function setSwapDetailsLastSwapTime(
address assetAddress,
uint32 lastSwapTime
) public override onlySwapOperator whenNotPaused;
assetAddressThe address of the asset's ERC20 contract.
lastSwapTimeThe timestamp of the last swap operation for this asset.

Description: Allows the SwapOperator to update the last time a swap was performed for an asset.


Updates the swapValue to reflect the value of assets currently in the process of being swapped (SwapOperator only).

function setSwapValue(uint newValue) external onlySwapOperator whenNotPaused;
newValueThe new total value (in ETH) of assets being swapped.

Description: Sets the total value of assets currently being swapped by the SwapOperator. Helps the Pool keep track of assets during swaps.


Executes a claim payout by transferring assets to the claimant (internal only).

function sendPayout(
uint assetId,
address payable payoutAddress,
uint amount,
uint ethDepositAmount
) external onlyInternal nonReentrant;
assetIdThe index of the cover asset.
payoutAddressThe recipient of the payout.
amountThe amount of the asset to send.
ethDepositAmountAny additional ETH deposit to return.


Transfers ETH to a member, typically in exchange for native tokens (RAMM only).

function sendEth(address member, uint amount) external onlyRamm nonReentrant;
memberThe address of the recipient.
amountThe amount of ETH to send.


Transfers all assets from the current Pool to a new Pool contract during a contract upgrade (master only).

function upgradeCapitalPool(address payable newPoolAddress) external onlyMaster nonReentrant;
newPoolAddressThe address of the new Pool contract.


Updates address-based parameters within the Pool contract (governance only).

function updateAddressParameters(bytes8 code, address value) external onlyGovernance;
codeA code representing the parameter to update ("SWP_OP" for swapOperator, "PRC_FEED" for priceFeedOracle). TODO: link to page
valueThe new address value.

View Functions


Calculates the total value of all assets held by the Pool in ETH.

function getPoolValueInEth() public view returns (uint);

Description: Useful for understanding the Pool's overall value and for internal calculations like the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) ratio.


Fetches detailed information about a specific asset.

function getAsset(uint assetId) external view returns (Asset memory);
assetIdThe index of the asset in the Pool's asset array.


Retrieves a list of all assets managed by the Pool, along with their properties.

function getAssets() external view returns (Asset[] memory);


Retrieves the swap parameters for a specific asset.

function getAssetSwapDetails(address assetAddress) external view returns (SwapDetails memory);
assetAddressThe address of the asset's ERC20 contract.


Helper function to calculate the MCR ratio given specific values.

function calculateMCRRatio(uint totalAssetValue, uint mcrEth) public override pure returns (uint);
totalAssetValueThe total value of all assets in ETH.
mcrEthThe current Minimum Capital Requirement in ETH.

Description: Calculates the MCR ratio using the formula:

uint mcrRatio = totalAssetValue * (10 ** MCR_RATIO_DECIMALS) / mcrEth;

Usage: Primarily used internally but can be helpful for simulations or calculations outside the contract.


Calculates the internal price of the native token (NXM) in terms of the specified asset.

function getInternalTokenPriceInAsset(uint assetId) public view returns (uint tokenPrice);
assetIdThe index of the cover asset in the assets array.

Recommendation: Use TokenController.getTokenPrice() instead for a stable interface.


Calculates the internal price of the native token in terms of a specific asset and updates the Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP).

function getInternalTokenPriceInAssetAndUpdateTwap(uint assetId) public returns (uint tokenPrice);
assetIdThe index of the cover asset in the assets array.

Recommendation: Use TokenController.getTokenPrice() instead for a stable interface.


Calculates the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) ratio, representing the Pool's total asset value relative to the required minimum capital.

function getMCRRatio() public view returns (uint);

Description: Useful for assessing the capital adequacy of the Pool.


  • Payout(address indexed to, address indexed assetAddress, uint amount): Emitted when a payout is made to a claimant.
  • DepositReturned(address indexed to, uint amount): Emitted when a deposit amount is returned to a user.

Integration Guidelines

  • Token Pricing: For token price information, use TokenController.getTokenPrice(). This provides a stable address as opposed to the Pool contract.
  • Asset Information: Use the getAssets() and getAsset(uint assetId) functions to retrieve information about supported assets.
  • Proxy Contracts: Be aware that some contracts, like the Pool, may not be proxies and could have their addresses changed during upgrades. Always refer to the latest contract addresses or use interfaces that abstract away these details.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get the price of the native token in a specific asset?

Use the TokenController.getTokenPrice() function instead of calling getInternalTokenPriceInAsset() directly from the Pool contract.

Can I add a new asset to the Pool?

Adding new assets is restricted to the governance address. If you believe an asset should be added, consider submitting a proposal through the protocol's governance process.

How do I know which assets are available for claim payouts?

Use the getAssets() function to retrieve all assets and check the isCoverAsset property for each asset.

What happens when an asset is marked as abandoned?

An abandoned asset is no longer used by the Pool for any operations, including swaps and payouts. Assets may be abandoned due to deprecation or strategic shifts.

Contact and Support

If you have questions or need assistance integrating with the Pool contract, please reach out through the official support channels or developer forums.

  • Developer Forums: Join our community forums to discuss and seek help.
  • Official Support Channels: Contact us via our official support email or join our Discord.
  • Documentation Resources: Access tutorials and FAQs on our official website.
  • GitHub Repository: Report issues or contribute to the codebase.

Disclaimer: This documentation provides a high-level overview of the Pool contract. Always refer to the latest contract code and official resources when developing against the protocol.