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The StakingPoolFactory contract is responsible for deploying and managing staking pools in the protocol. It uses a beacon proxy pattern to deploy pools efficiently while keeping gas costs low.

However, users should not call StakingPoolFactory.create() directly. Instead, staking pools are created through StakingProducts.createStakingPool(), which:

  • Calls StakingPoolFactory.create() to deploy the pool.
  • Assigns a pool manager.
  • Configures initial products within the pool.

Only the StakingProducts contract has operator permissions to create staking pools, ensuring pools are deployed securely and with proper configuration.

Key Concepts

Staking Pool Creation

  • Pools are created through StakingProducts.createStakingPool(), not directly via StakingPoolFactory.create().
  • StakingProducts acts as the operator of StakingPoolFactory and manages pool creation.
  • When StakingProducts.createStakingPool() is called:
    1. StakingPoolFactory.create() is executed, deploying a beacon proxy staking pool.
    2. StakingProducts assigns a pool manager.
    3. StakingProducts configures initial cover products for the pool.

This ensures all pools are properly registered, assigned managers, and configured correctly.

Beacon Proxy

The contract uses a beacon address to define the logic for staking pools. This allows for efficient deployment and potential upgrades of staking pools without affecting existing instances.

Operator Role

  • The operator is the only account authorized to create staking pools and change the operator itself.
  • In this system, StakingProducts is the operator of StakingPoolFactory.
  • This ensures:
    • Controlled staking pool creation, preventing unauthorized deployments.
    • Automated pool management, where pools are assigned managers and configured correctly upon creation.
  • The operator role can be changed using changeOperator(newOperator), but only the current operator (StakingProducts) can perform this action.

Mutative Functions


Updates the operator address to a new address.

function changeOperator(address newOperator) public;
newOperatorThe new address to be assigned as the operator.


  • Verifies that the caller is the current operator.
  • Ensures the new operator address is not zero.
  • Updates the operator to the new address.

Access Control: Only the current operator can call this function.


Creates a new staking pool using the provided beacon address.

function create(address _beacon) external returns (uint poolId, address stakingPoolAddress);
_beaconThe address of the beacon for staking pool logic.


  • poolId: The unique ID of the newly created staking pool.
  • stakingPoolAddress: The address of the deployed staking pool.


  • Verifies that the caller is the operator.
  • Increments the _stakingPoolCount and assigns a new poolId.
  • Deploys a new staking pool using the minimal beacon proxy pattern.
  • Ensures the new pool address is not zero.
  • Emits a StakingPoolCreated event.

Access Control: Only the operator can call this function.

View Functions


Returns the total number of staking pools created.

function stakingPoolCount() external view returns (uint);


  • uint: The total number of staking pools created.


  • Provides the current count of staking pools created by the factory.


  • StakingPoolCreated(uint indexed poolId, address indexed stakingPoolAddress): Emitted when a new staking pool is successfully created.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can create a staking pool?

Users cannot directly call StakingPoolFactory.create() (only StakingProducts can). Instead, user's should call StakingProducts.createStakingPool() to create staking pools.

What happens if the beacon address is incorrect?

If the provided beacon address is incorrect or undeployed:

  • The deployment of the staking pool will fail.
  • An error will be thrown: "StakingPoolFactory: Failed to create staking pool".

Ensure the beacon address is valid and points to a deployed contract.

How can the operator role be changed?

The operator role can be updated using the changeOperator function:

  1. Call changeOperator with the new operator address.
  2. The caller must be the current operator.

Contact and Support

If you have questions or need assistance integrating with the StakingPoolFactory contract, please reach out through the official support channels or developer forums.

  • Developer Forums: Join our community forums to discuss and seek help.
  • Official Support Channels: Contact us via our official support email or join our Discord.
  • Documentation Resources: Access tutorials and FAQs on our official website.
  • GitHub Repository: Report issues or contribute to the codebase.

Disclaimer: This documentation provides a high-level overview of the StakingPoolFactory contract. Always refer to the latest contract code and official resources when developing against the protocol.