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The Ramm contract is designed to allow swaps between NXM tokens and ETH. Internally it works by simulating 2 Uniswap v2 -like pools which have their liquidity adjusted using liquidity injection and a ratcheting mechanism.

Key Concepts

Slot0 and Slot1

Slot0 and Slot1 manage the contract's internal state for liquidity, ETH reserves, and NXM reserves. They store important values such as the available budget for liquidity injection and the current reserves.

struct Slot0 {
uint128 nxmReserveA;
uint128 nxmReserveB;

struct Slot1 {
uint128 ethReserve;
uint88 budget;
uint32 updatedAt;
bool swapPaused;

Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are in place to limit the total amount of ETH and NXM that can be released within a given period.

ethReleasedAmount of ETH released
ethLimitMaximum ETH that can be released before halt
nxmReleasedAmount of NXM released
nxmLimitMaximum NXM that can be released before halt


The Observation struct is used to track historical prices, allowing for Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) calculations.

struct Observation {
uint32 timestamp;
uint112 priceCumulativeAbove;
uint112 priceCumulativeBelow;

Liquidity Management Parameters

Several constants manage the liquidity behavior and price adjustments:

uint public constant LIQ_SPEED_PERIOD = 1 days;
uint public constant TARGET_LIQUIDITY = 5_000 ether;
uint public constant FAST_LIQUIDITY_SPEED = 1_500 ether;
uint public constant NORMAL_RATCHET_SPEED = 400;
uint public constant FAST_RATCHET_SPEED = 5_000;

Mutative Functions


Allows users to swap NXM tokens for ETH or vice versa.

function swap(
uint nxmIn,
uint minAmountOut,
uint deadline
) external payable nonReentrant returns (uint);
nxmInAmount of NXM to swap for ETH (0 if swapping ETH for NXM, and send ETH with the transaction)
minAmountOutMinimum amount of ETH or NXM expected from the swap
deadlineThe deadline for the swap to be executed

To ensure that the transaction will be successful, make sure the amount are estimated right. One way to do this is by doing a static call and then applying slippage to the result

Ramm.callStatic.swap(nxmIn, 0, future_timestamp);


Resets the ETH budget used for liquidity injection to zero. This function can only be called by governance.

function removeBudget() external onlyGovernance;


Allows an emergency administrator to pause or resume swap functionality during emergencies.

function setEmergencySwapPause(bool _swapPaused) external onlyEmergencyAdmin;
_swapPausedTrue to pause swaps, false to resume them


Sets the limits for the circuit breakers, controlling the maximum ETH and NXM that can be released.

function setCircuitBreakerLimits(
uint _ethLimit,
uint _nxmLimit
) external onlyEmergencyAdmin;
_ethLimitMaximum ETH that can be released
_nxmLimitMaximum NXM that can be released

View Functions


Returns the current reserves and budget of the contract.

function getReserves() external view returns (
uint ethReserve,
uint nxmA,
uint nxmB,
uint budget
ethReserveAvailable ETH liquidity in the virtual pool
nxmAAmount of NXM in the virtual pool above
nxmBAmount of NXM in the virtual pool below
budgetAvailable ETH budget for liquidity


Returns the current spot prices for NXM buy and sell operations.

function getSpotPrices() external view returns (uint spotPriceA, uint spotPriceB);
spotPriceACurrent NXM buy price
spotPriceBCurrent NXM sell price

Swapping prices are on a Uniswap V2 curve principle, and spot prices are representation where the price curve starts


Returns the current book value of NXM, which is amount of the capital pool backing NXM (capital pool in ETH / NXM supply).

function getBookValue() external view returns (uint bookValue);
bookValueThe current NXM book value

TWAP and Price Calculation


Updates the Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) by adding new price observations.

function updateTwap() external;


Returns the current internal price of NXM and updates TWAP observations.

function getInternalPriceAndUpdateTwap() external returns (uint internalPrice);
internalPriceThe calculated internal price based on TWAP observations


  • EthInjected(uint injected): Emitted when ETH is injected into the pool.
  • EthExtracted(uint extracted): Emitted when ETH is extracted from the pool.
  • EthSwappedForNxm(address indexed user, uint ethIn, uint nxmOut): Emitted when a user swaps ETH for NXM.
  • NxmSwappedForEth(address indexed user, uint nxmIn, uint ethOut): Emitted when a user swaps NXM for ETH.
  • ObservationUpdated(uint32 timestamp, uint112 priceCumulativeAbove, uint112 priceCumulativeBelow): Emitted when price observations are updated.
  • BudgetRemoved(): Emitted when the ETH budget is removed.
  • SwapPauseConfigured(bool swapPaused): Emitted when the swap pause status is configured.

Contact and Support

If you have questions or need assistance integrating with the Ramm contract, please reach out through the official support channels or developer forums.

  • Developer Forums: Join our community forums to discuss and seek help.
  • Official Support Channels: Contact us via our official support email or join our Discord.
  • Documentation Resources: Access tutorials and FAQs on our official website.
  • GitHub Repository: Report issues or contribute to the codebase.

Disclaimer: This documentation provides a high-level overview of the Ramm contract. Always refer to the latest contract code and official resources when developing against the protocol.